
Got the surface a week ago, so this is my first sticker on it :D
Let's spread the Swag :)

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    Btw what’s ur review of the surface?
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    Can you do these beautiful drawings on it?
    Where the pen is pressure sensitive and you have different letter thickness
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    @ComradeBob yes appart from the fact that I suck at drawing I can say that theoretically I could do those :P
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    @Electrux As a student I can say it's really awesome. It is like advertised the perfect combination of tablet and laptop. It isn't missing anything that a standard laptop has but adds the features of a tablet.
    And the pen is really nice for taking notes, especially in math correlated subjects.
    The only thing that hurts is the price tag :P
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    @busuu will probably setup dualboot with manjaro :)
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    Good, now remove that bloatware OS Win10 and get Arch on it.
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    @LuPaw lol I understand the price thing... m glad ur enjoying it though ☺️☺️
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