
I don't know much about how search engines works and all that stuffs. I started a Blogspot and tried the Google Console to index my web on Google. But it sucks. I get redirect errors. "Crawled- but not indexed.", "Discovered not crawled". I don't know shit. And every video is just a crap on YouTube. I tried several methods and sometimes I feel like giving up.

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    Are you trying to use it as an on-site search or just generally improve visibility in search engines?
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    The likely number one problem: you don't have relevant content - oh, and keyword stuffing is not a solution, but makes things even worse.
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    @Voxera just to increase the visibility. atleast indexing will be enough.
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    @sams3piol Could be just status messages that it has not finished. How long since you started?

    If you do search for anything that is on your site, preferably something uncommon, can you find it?

    If you add a site hint
    site:your domain here

    Does it find anything?
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    @Voxera I started a long ago, but I wasn't focusing much on the indexing and stuffs. I wasn't even aware of these things back then. When I got to know I created that console account and after learning by YouTube and docs. I somehow managed to get my site indexed, but there are many pages which never gets indexed.
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    @sams3piol are they reachable with normal links or only through javascript?

    You could try to create a sitemap to promote pages through crawler misses.

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