
Dear fucking god, Microsoft... Why is this theme a thing!

  • 7
    go to tools -> options and change the theme under environment ... this takes like 4 mouse clicks

    cmon...this should not be a hard task for a developer ;-)
  • 2
    @thoxx Yah i normally use the dark theme, was just curious about the other themes that are there :-P
  • 1
    okay...got it ;-) I was not sure if dark or light theme was the default in VS
  • 0
    @thoxx it's the light theme but I imported my settings from vs 2015 so I just got dark from the beginning
  • 0
    Its the definition of FUGLY... Doh
  • 2
    I honestly don't have a theme preference. I use to always use the light theme and then one day, for no reason apart from reading comments from devs, I switched to dark. It took time for my eyes to adjust to it. I never understood the hatred for light themes, but each to their own, I suppose. Hmm...I think it's time for coffee. Tschuss
  • 3
    @thoxx There's no default, it asks u when u launch it the first time !
  • 0
    @irene yeah I'll be honest it's kind of hypocritical, literally anything none programming related I use a light theme for, including devrant, my Xbox and android
  • 2
    Light themes are better suited for brighter environments. I got used to use a light one during the day and a dark one in the evening.
  • 0
    Vs10 was dope, love that color scheme
  • 1
    Because not everyone likes dark themes...I KNOW RIGHT???!!
  • 0
    I LIKE IT!
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