
"Rust, the language that makes you feel like a memory astronaut navigating through a borrow-checker asteroid field. Lifetimes? It's more like love letters to the compiler. Safety first, even if it means writing a Ph.D. thesis to move a mutable reference around."

  • 1
    Beautiful, isn’t it?
  • 4
    thanks to all these mechanics, rust has saved my ass countless times at this point. The language is just a great choice for software that changes a lot, because it takes out the fear of forgetting to change stuff.

    Sure, i can write an error free C Program, but when it gets large enough, i guarantee you, that i will have trouble fixing it, if i want to overhaul some big feature (speaking from experience here). I really don't feel like having that every time i write software.

    The same applies to pretty much any other language.
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