
They apparently think that I should answer every telegram/email/WhatsApp message immediately.
"You're looking at the screen the whole time anyways!"
(╯°□°) ╯︵ ┻━┻) 

  • 2
    Strongly relatable. Sometimes my friends get mad when I replied five mins after receiving the message.
  • 5
    If you really want me to answer immediately, don't send me a message, call me.
  • 2
    @cafecortado no no no, don’t call me. It’s disrupts my thought process.

    Send me an email instead, a fresh clean email, don’t reply to a thread.
    Write a proper subject and get to the point in the first sentences.

    I read my emails almost instant, and then add it to my brain queue. A well formatted email will get a much faster reply than a short IM message
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