
On one side I fucking hate waiting for the internet technician. I would've liked to go to work (especially as there is an event right now) and not sit here during "That-5-hour-window-because-scheduling-isn't-a-thing-the-german-Telekom-will-tell-you-about" and nurse my impatience.
On the other side, I have idle time and I like programming when everything's quiet in the house and only the heating and my PC cooling system are whirring quietly, so I've got that going for me which is nice.
Only too bad there's no internet right now.

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    That's how ISPs work in Portugal, too. "We'll be there any time from 2pm to 6pm." How can't they realise that this is a fucking pain in the ass? Do they think we're thankful to be home (without fucking internet) and not at work?
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    @shellbug Idk, I am normally relatively patient and I know these guys probably have a tight schedule - in fact, I've never had one doing my connection without handling 1-2 other customers on the go, but the waiting time just sucks.

    The funny thing was, the guy wasn't even there at the end of the defined period of time, so I went to work, angry and about to smash something. Only to have him call 40min later - luckily it's a 5min drive from where I live - asking where I was.

    ... also, he seemingly fucked up, so I just went from a functional internet connection (from the person before) to none at all. GRAUGH!
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    And sometimes the technician of the Telekom doesn‘t show up.
    Happens too often. 😫
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    @tinaa That's what I thought yesterday at first, too.

    @CriticalFailure WTF?! These people are insane, why should you skip an entire workday?!
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