
Care to help me with some some-what basic math?

100 characters exist in the ASCII codec.

I'm trying to figure out the minimum amount of characters required to encode them. (= Turning each digit into a two digit char set that doesn't mach any other char set to enable me to do other things with them. i.e: A = dE)

It would simply be: x^2, where x is the number of minimum characters required.. But I don't know how to interact that with 100 to find x.

  • 0
    x^2 =100
  • 0

    And how do I actually find x?
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    @Cyanite if x^2 equals 100, that means x is the square root of 100, so 10 in this case.
  • 10
    Do you have time to talk about our Lord and Savior square root?
  • 1


    I literally entered: 1234567890 as legal charaters and it worked and then 1-9 and it locked up because it ran out of characters xD

    Surprising that it can use so few characters..

    "This is a test!!"

    Encoded as: "39360157503931735017348827897890"
    With the Password: password!!! and the Sequence: !*/*/~*/* in my app..
  • 1
    "This is a test!!"

    Here I used an empty sequence, so the message was simply translated into numbers and nothing else. You can see here what characters tuned into what..
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    Wouldn't it be log2(1/p)?
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    @Cyanite little tired and read it wrong. I was thinking about Claude Shannon's idea of information entropy.
  • 2
    @RealKC or -10 if we're speaking math. There are always 2 real roots to a second degree polynomial.
  • 2
    Which we of course are not here so, I'll see myself out.
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