
Biggest sin is writing code without taking into account clean coding and just doing what ever is necessary to make the code work

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    @kgbemployee it’s unpractical coding and dirty way of solving things.. you wont even understand the logic behind it if you read the code..
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    Gotta built a good pretty printer that would format your code and also detect unused variable and other ilogical stuff :)
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    First make it work then make it pretty. Except the second part is often forgotten. Thats why one should do TDD like explained in a talk from Martin fowler and robert c Martin. Make the test pass and then immediatly refactor.
    So the sin for me is not to refactor after making it work.
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    @klukas it’d be nice to do some TDD actually haven’t tried it... don’t know how to start doing it primarily it is used in creating apps... mostly function driven..
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    @klukas never really done any test with java haha xD ... I just do coding whatever works...thanks for giving me a link...
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