
I've never written any unit tests for any apps/programs I've developed.

I would tell myself, this time you're going to create some and be a better developer by doing so. I end up just creating the file and that's it.

Most of the bugs are discovered during the user testing phase so I always end up being lazy writing unit tests.

I write very defensive code though so that helps a little but all in all, it's a very bad habit that I need to snap out of

  • 0
    I’m the same. Worse yet I constantly preach TDD.
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    It should be used all the time, "says the good rules" but in my opinion for small projects is NOT really necessary but for big projects, ohhh man, it is MANDATORY!!!
  • 0
    Been reading some articles about how unit testing is not the undisputed"breast practice" it was once thought to be. Will see how this goes.
  • 0
    Same here
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