
How about we unify all countries under a single government?

  • 3
    Like the UN?
  • 1
    You're scared for that huh? It's some complot theory
  • 1
    What could possibly go wrong?

    Seperate nations all lead to chaos and runes, so we just do it faster?
  • 1
    Yeah, it should also be under the country I choose of course because it’s the beastliest country in the world.
  • 1
    Which one? North korea?
  • 5
    germany tried that once. was a terrible idea.
  • 1
    Closest thing to that would be Russia. Do you like Russia, OP? Cuz you can't have a centralized government on planetary scale without dictatorship
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    @kobenz Of course I like mother Russia.
  • 1
    @kanyewest what if it's the wokes who come into power? It's them wokes planetary dictatorship? It's a dictatorship, I mean, freedom of speech isn't exactly a thing in dictatorships. I mean, a "tranny" word and It'd be to the Gulag with the speaker πŸ•ΊπŸ»
  • 0
    btw, tbh, completely honest, the above would be the most likely scenario. I mean, since most women and LGBTQIA+ are "wokes", that's at least half the planets population, right? I mean, give each a gun and we'd have our "woke" planetary government in no time at all

    -- I'm all in if anyone ever wants to party up, btw
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    @C0D4 runes? Like nordic ones or black magic? It matters.
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    @kobenz who are the wokes? don't give in to terms coined by governments to divide us.
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    germany and russia tried it but ended up sucking cocks, but the US are doing it and it's kinda sorta working innit
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