
I fucking hate snow, fuck off. Literally a fucking nuisance to the whole world. Trains getting cancelled, roads completely fucked to drive on. Fucking stupid.

  • 3
    And since we've got no place to go
    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
  • 1
    Find a chance to live in countries near the equator, like Singapore for example. You’ll absolutely “love” the all-year, unchanging heat. πŸ˜†
  • 1
    You're not alone.
  • 1
    That is one of the best benefits of working from home now,
    I don't have to go out in the winter.
  • 0
    @Biggy whereabouts are you from?
  • 0
    And here am I in Asia on vacation for one month, from 3°c to 30°c ☺️
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    @px06 Germany
  • 1
    I live in Cali, where it never snows.
    I wouldn't mind see snow at least once :)
  • 0
    Better than its complete lack.
    Deserts are truly horrible places.
  • 2
    @Michelle it's just cold wetness that sticks to everything and consumes and keeps all the dirtyness around.

    The only good thing about it is a change of scenery, from grey ugly rocks to nice white coverage. It also has a nice property of consuming sound waves, so things get a lot more quiet with snow around.
  • 0
    Snow rocks, don't be an ass about it πŸ˜ƒ the fact that transport gets fucked a bit only shows that even though we had snow since forever, some industries and people still can't deal with it. Room for improvement right there.
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