
Hello guys, I've got a short question because I need a little guidance. I need to write a thesis to obtain my bachelors degree and I thought about writing the blockchain. Because the topic needs to be more specific I thought about writing the blockchain and it's use in the financial market. Apparently my professor wants an even more specific topic for the thesis. Have you guys got any clues ? Ideas for me ... I would appreciate that a lot :)

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    You can also contact @aicha. Another PhD thesis in cryptocurrency in the making there ;)
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    @1989 , yeah but I need to specify the topic . Maybe the data protection laws of smart contracts for instance. Do programmers need to be lawyers when they define the logic of smart contracts. Something like that maybe .

    @Tobyvw , thanks for the information, I will in a bit :)
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    @Tobyvw my thesis is not really about cryptocurrency ... it's more about the underlying technology which is the blockchain and more specifically the use case of using blockhain to secure IoT ... @thenoob before choosing your topic you need to learn more about the technology so won't regret it or get bored with the subject later ... i personally think that the blockchain technology is the most exciting part ... and there are endless possibilities of how to exploit it ... whether it's banking and payments and how it can change the entire financial world ... or cyber security to protect any data using cryptography... or in industrial domain like the supply chain management.... or like what @1989 suggested smart contracts are the new way of managing trust ... and to answer your question anyone can write a smart contract they're simply computer programs that run on a virtual machine like EVM the challenge is how to write a robust unhackable smart contract
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    @1989 i wanna assist your meetings sounds cool haha ... hyperledger is a blockchain for business and a lot of companies are currently using it like IBM and yes it's really interesting to learn about
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    @1989 maybe you should consider getting involved ... i've just started to learn about the whole thing a couple of months now and i don't have much time cuz i still have to work as a developer to pay my bills ... you gonna struggle at the beginning but later you will get used of the terms and technologies... and you may like it
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    @aicha , yes, I already started reading a lot about the blockchain technology and I'm finding it super interesting. I'm pretty sure that I want to write my thesis about it. The only problem I've got is to specify a certain area of it that my professor agrees to it (and that I still find enough literature for it) that's what my difficulty is at the moment
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    @thenoob hmm think about what you always wanted to learn about and i'm sure you can combine it with the blockchain technology.. in my case i wanted to learn more about cyber security and also IoT ... you can also combine it with a domain you're already good at or have knowledge of ...
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    @aicha Oh sorry, just thought so because of your rant https://devrant.com/rants/1067447/...
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    @Tobyvw my mistake the hashtag of that rent wasn't so accurate
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    sorry, are these tips still valid?
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    I think if you need to write a dissertation, then it is quite relevant of course.
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    Definitely! tips like these never change ;) (at least not that fast)

    Funny thing: I'm currently working on my thesis again 😂😂😂 I opened this thread when I was about to begin with my bachelor's thesis. Now it's my master's :)
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