  • 6
    You've got backups haven't you!

    Haven't you?

  • 1
    @Wildgoose it would be fun if the answer is no.
  • 4
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    hey @Wildgoose are you by any chance from derbyshire?
  • 0
    friggin glorious!
  • 0
    I'm anxious now
  • 0
    There used to be a "game" like this https://news.ycombinator.com/item/...
  • 0
    @wildgoosecsharp Sheffield, so near as dammit. In fact, I live right on the border - it was Derbyshire until the 1930s.

    I take it you are a fellow Wildgoose?
  • 2
    @wildgoose sure am lol im in nottingham tho lol people says its a rare name but ive met loads
  • 0
    @wildgoosecsharp You've met loads because it is a very local name. My Dad bought something from Burke's Peerage a few years back that listed every Wildgoose in the world - about a 1000 families, with the biggest concentration within 20 miles of Matlock.

    There's about 3 families called Wildgoose at my kid's school.
  • 1
    nah im talking further out than nottingham - holiday in oz met at least 4 local familys

    my partners from thailand we went holiday last month 2 expats with that name weirdly enough.

    but notthingam isnt as bad as derby - more matlock really... however theres tons over in america strangly.

    but nice to see some form of long lost relative and that programming exists in the line somewhere lol
  • 0
    @wildgoosecsharp One of my Grandad's brothers emigrated to Australia just after WW1 so your Australian Wildgeese were probably closely related to me.

    And according to Burke's, the American Wildgeese are mainly in Vermont.

    By the way, I hope you agree that the plural of our name is "Wildgeese" and not the artificial silly sounding "Wildgooses". 😎
  • 0
    tbh there isnt a plural in our family so theres no argument there - its the wildgoose family or part of the wildgoose family.

    i got a ton of american wildgoose family members add me 2013 some mad rush for some reason to connect
  • 1
    @wildgoosecsharp You might have misunderstood my comment. My name is Wildgoose, as is my brother's, but together we are "Wildgeese", not "Wildgooses".

    At the beginning of The Lord of the Rings, during Bilbo's going-away party, he mentions the "Proudfoots" to which an old Proudfoot shouts out "ProudFEET". 🤓
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