Waiting for a meeting, thought I might as well show off my XPS sticker game.


Edit: legit forgot pic

  • 1
    That Pebble sticker = fuck ya.
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    The upside down Apple sticker bothers me
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    You know you're supposed to pull off the covering see through plastic of the Digital Ocean logo sticker? ^^
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    Lol, I have that orange "meh" sticker at the exact same location on my XPS 13 🤣
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    Cool the octoCat 🍺
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    Hell yeah
    STICK it to the Man.
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    why a booking.com sticker?
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    @lucaIO they wanted an interview with me at a university job fair tho I'm not a webdev. But they gave me stickers so why not.
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    @Elandor HOLY SHIT
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    @Panni my little sister wanted to place it and I don't bother removing it
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    Why do you put a apple sticker on it while covering the logo?
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    @Hopstar see comment above yours
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    I was thinking about getting the XPS 15, how is it? How viable is it for something like gaming?
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    @Aruixe I do play on it. For things like MOBAs, Overwatch and such 1080p high is super fluent. Currently I jumped back into the division (which is pretty intensive ) and I can get solid 60+ fps on 1660x900 medium-low. The Witcher 3, medium and 1600x900 was very enjoyable. Fallout 4 on 1600x900 high as well. Enjoyable = at least 50 fps on the low spectrum of the average.

    I do recommend repasting and undervolting. My unit never had throttling but taking good care of thermals is never a bad thing. With fans at regime, I stay under 76 °C on CPU which is the hottest.
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    Here's to another meeting that could have been an email.
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    @Snatched Awesome, thanks man, how's the fan noise / machine heat?
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    @Aruixe surface can get warm but not uncomfortable. Bottom can get quite hot but I have thermal pads to unload vram heat to it so my bottom is much hotter than stock. Fans are slightly adjustable with a Dell utility on windows, in best cooling mode they make you need headphones for gaming. It's super quiet in light use and when compiling you can hear it but it's not annoying to me.

    I'm pretty sure with the same money you can get a much better gaming machine (not only desktops, even laptops) but the build quality on this thing is just amazing. I was skeptical about it at first but I'm very glad I made some gaming performance tradeoff. A future desktop is in my plans anyway.
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