Windows 10 is like a vagina with testicles:- it makes no sense

  • 9
    So are you a dog or something? Because I've seen kids that understand it. It's the most user friendly OS there is.
  • 1
    All the stupid updates, almost every 3 or 4 days Windows 10 has an update. The frequency of these updates to me indicate how much of a mess this OS is. In the least cant they fix things and update them at once to reduce updates frequency.

    Sometimes my wifi shows networks sometimes it doesn't.

    Sometimes it shuts down when i told it to sleep

    Sometimes it takes ages to work after booting up.

    And No, the Windows rants wont stop because we are still under oppression. Shutting up therefore is agony

    And this is on a 12GB RAM 2.6GHz Core i5 machine.

    I have no room for this shit in my sweet little life
  • 12
    Linux is like 1000 vaginas but 999 of them are non-fertile.

    You can enjoy them all, but if you need a baby asap, you won't get it.
  • 5
    @darkMatter Yawn. I updated my Linux mint laptop and it took just as long as the average windows update.

    If you're in that much of a hurry, there's a button that says "remind me later." Press that button and get on with your life.
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    @jhh2450 im a developer, i care not for cute little tiles that flip around when i press my start menu. I look for efficiency, availability, dependency to get my shit done. I can use CMLI and u think im crying foul for user friendliness?
  • 3
    @darkMatter I'm merely getting the point that your quote is textbook definition of "bullshit."

    Windows is the easiest to understand OS. You're delusional if you say otherwise.
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    @jhh2450 my experience says otherwise. If it makes you sleep well, then im delusional
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    @Rabbyte πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    @darkMatter "Doesn't make sense" = I don't understand it.

    User friendly = understandability.

    Therefore you kinda are complaining about it.

    But whatever you use your overrated OS of choice, because I could lose all my fingers and count the number of fucks I actually give with the fingers I have left.
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    @jhh2450 lol. Dont get emotional mate. That actually shows u give 10 fucks.. oops you have no more fingers left to count.

    FYI i use Windows 10. That doesnt mean i shouldn't complain
  • 0
    Wow. The images this rant brings in my mindπŸ€”
  • 2
    Not again. Decide fast😁
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    For all the windows rants: http://foaas.com/zero/py2js
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    @py2js πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ nice one
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    @py2js Windows is great. But Windows 10 for me? Not so much. Its an inflamed testicle
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    @darkMatter it's fuck off as a service. You can google it. It's the most awesome rest API I have ever seen
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    @py2js the best excuse i can give it for now is maybe it needs more time
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    @darkMatter I don't really understand your problem. By far most Windoozle updates are security updates.
    Do you want to live without those?
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    @PonySlaystation my PC shutting down when i put it to sleep almost every time,
    Always connecting to wifi slower than every other time before.
    Slower with every update, sometimes doesn't pick up wireless hotspots, if i restart it it takes ages to launch apps, yes it updates but, every freakn 2 days?, who has the data for that and i dont want to have to be opted to restart my PC everytime its inconvenient. And a lot of other nitty gritties that i never experienced with Win 7 or 8.1. Its just awful.

    I've used a mac a couple of times and jolly is it smooth. So when i find Windows pissing on me in this way, im frustrated
  • 2
    @jhh2450 User friendly?! Hahahahaha.

    Oh, it wasn't a joke? 😡
  • 4
    @linuxxx Give the average person s Linux machine and they won't use it. Hell even some tech people wont use it. It's too fucking complicated to be termed "user friendly."
  • 2
    @jhh2450 agreed. Took me and the lead developer 1 week to migrate the apps on one Red Hat server to the other one. The process was so fucking disjointed it was not even funny. Took us 20-30 mins to do it on our Windows server. I am sorry, I like Linux as my prim os(ubuntu mostly) but having to look through blogs and so plus the docs to get something as simple as Apache to run should not be a 1 week process.
  • 5
    @jhh2450 With all respect, that's bullshit. And I know that from experience with at least 10 people. Oh yeah, they're all running (some dual boot) Linux for 5+ years and at least half of them are atechie as fuck.
  • 1
    It would work the other way around too. A vagina with 2 testicles is like windows, it makes no sense
  • 0
    I was expecting at least 1 WKUK reference in the comments...
  • 3
    I think this rant was just in hope to get some ++s. Lacked substance of a real rant!
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    @jhh2450 yet amazingly one of my m8s installed Ubuntu on his mums pc and the amount of problems decreased.
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    @TomRiddle duuuuh. Yeah i want some ++s. Finna get me a tiger bitch
  • 0
    So Windows 10 updated itself last night right (as usual). Now guess what it's upto. When i plug in my earphones it cant detect them, i have to manually change the audio device and when i plug them out it stays silent, i have to revert back to speakers. I did not have this issue before updating.

    Its obviously a feature
  • 0
    Wut da frigg
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