
Microsoft aquired Github and this happens ._.

  • 18
    I see it's become pretty trendy to blame everything on Microsoft...
  • 7
    @kamen "Well, to be honest, I overcooked my pasta and we all know who's to blame, eh..."
  • 9
    I'm pretty sure MS hasn't even fully acquired them yet, deal won't close till the end of the year or so...
  • 2
    @nanoandrew4 @kamen @dontbeevil @iKameo Seeing as the trend here on DevRant is to blame Microsoft or Google for everything, I was just being sarcastic. x)
  • 1
    @dontbeevil Can I blame Apple instead?
  • 6
    Thanks, Obama
  • 1
    I say let’s build a wall around Github and make Microsoft pay for it! Make Github great again, Let my people code!!!!
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