I updated my entire system yesterday and shut down my PC.
Booted up today, greeted by the blinking cursor of death.
Already tried installing grub again, hoping it boots up now.
Wish me luck. :(

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    And people still claim that Linux is superior ;)
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    Watching that cursor blink hurts.
    Linux is still superior though.
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    It doesn't. Any advice?
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    Linux Mint Cinnamon.
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    @AlpineLinnix Alt + F1 doesn't do anything. I cannot switch to another TTY either.
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    I don't want to reinstall, fuck
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    @Torbuntu No, doesn't seem like it. I'll do it again, hold on.
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    @AlpineLinnix Nope. Won't do that.
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    I'm guessing a kernel update changed your boot device. I'd recommend going in with a rescue CD/USB and comparing your previous grub.conf/menu.lst for major changes.
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    I chrooted into the system again now, Grub looks fine.
    Also, I have absolutely no idea whether the grub.cfg file changed. I haven't looked at it, it was generated automatically.
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    However, I'm still stuck at a black screen.
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    Hm, CTRL + ALT + DEL still works.
    Meaning that the kernel loaded.
    I have no idea what's going on here.
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    Maybe it has something to do with your GPU driver?
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    I was serious actually. I do like Linux but I dont find the desktop distros that good actually. People who claim otherwhise just lie to themself.

    Thats does not mean that I dont encourage people to use Linux as their daily driver, but people should be aware that something will eventually fail and accept it.
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    Cant you try to Chroot into it and launch the DE? And try to update the system?
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    I just nuked my entire disk now and reinstalled it.

    Works properly now. Perhaps that full update was a really bad idea.
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    What do you mean by a full update?

    apt dist-upgrade?
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    @Linux What do you use as a daily driver?
    I really like Ubuntu and haven't tried anything else yet since converting from Windows. I'm quite savvy and like challenges. Would you mind recommending a great distro where I could still have a nice looking desktop?
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    @bahua Yup. It apparently updated my kernel and initramfs too.
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    I disagree. I think the Linux desktop is great, though not as polished as commercial options. But I do agree that without substantial knowledge of Linux, you're not going to get a lot out of it, especially compared to commercial options. But I do have that knowledge, so it's great for me.
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    Desktop distros - Desktop Environments is probably a better word in this case


    Debian testing :)


    "But I do agree that without substantial knowledge of Linux, you're not going to get a lot out of it,"

    That is exactly what I mean, a good desktop distro should be good even if your knowledge is not that great. It is easy for us sysadmin/IT-pros to claim that Linux is superior on the desktop but that is not the case for 99% of all users.


    Trust me, Linux distros has a huge amount of shitfuckery. Or more specific - when software decide that all VirtualHosts MUST end with .conf and does not just include every file in a catalogue (Apache2.2 to 2.4 for example)

    Just minor stupid changes that accomplish nothing and is not designed to work with older versions.

    Microsoft is superior when it comes to backward compatibility really, an website written to work in IIS 5 do work in the newest version too without any problem.

    I wish that Linuxers realized that
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    Personally, I dont like Arch because the community is toxic as fuck.

    If you like to use Ubuntu - keep use it.

    Install a different DE if you want some change :)
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    @Floydian Arch is barebones. Almost nothing is installed, you can tune it yourself. No DE, only a tty. Your choice what to do with it.
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    Using the term "desktop distros" was wrong by me, I meant desktop environment's that exist in almost every distro such as Debian, Arch and other crap.

    Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Debian, [INSERT-DISTRO-HERE] can use different desktop environments such as Cinnamon, KDE, Unity (god forbid), XFCE etcetc..
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    @Linux having upgraded to Ubuntu 18 I can only agree, that unity isn't that good compared to gnome.

    Thanks for the tip!
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    @Floydian A DE is a Desktop* I meant desktop.. Environment e.g. GNOME, KDE and Unity.
    Each of those can run in the Ubuntu distro.

    @Linux Or am I totally wrong?
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    You are correct!

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    A Desktop Environment is just a piece/suite of software. A distro is a collection of software to form an entire cohesive operating system. With very few exceptions, no distro is tied to any particular desktop environment. A DE is as changeable as a pair of socks.
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    @Floydian A DE as @bahua said, is, with your words; some kind of advanced theme, while a distro is more like something you apply themes to.
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    @dontbeevil shall I switch to arch for maximum power?
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    @dontbeevil If that wasn't Linux Mint, it would've been :P
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    Hey, having to reinstall was good too. Now I got to setup LUKS.
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    @rEaL-jAsE Indeed, but I realized what I did wrong now.
    Also I finally got to nuke my disk and set up LUKS.
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    @rEaL-jAsE I installed a system update that broke my system. If I hadn't just confirmed without thinking, none of that would have happened.

    LUKS is full-disk encryption. You can't set it up without formatting it.
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