
I'm afraid that the wanketeers got a hold of this one.. as if I care how fast or slow your browser is, as long as it isn't completely shit like pre-Quantum Firefox used to be! And does it even make the slightest bit of sense when there's nice and snappy websites like the motherfucking websites, but a shitload of shitsites that load several dozens of frameworks, because long live Web 2.0. 22% faster, ON WHAT?!

  • 4
    I just got this and thought the same thing.
  • 1
    Are you referring to HTTP/2 when saying Web 2.0?
  • 5
    @Mitiko nah, just the general trend from simple websites towards making the web do everything, in a bloatful, slow, unresponsive and overall shitty way. But hey, it's a web app!
  • 1
    @Condor Not every web app is bloated with shit JavaScript. But I do agree some people don't have limits
  • 1
    @Condor My new site won't j)have a lot of Javascript (most is just CSS3) and I try to keep the load off the client as much as I can.

    But yes, there are plenty of websites that bloat their site.
    Even seen sites that have pretty much everything on their site loaded using Javascript.
    (Go to 9anime.to but disable scripts, you'll be surprized on how much of the site stops working)
  • 5
    @Mitiko @FinlayDaG33k

    I feel like I should mention that I only mean a general trend, not "every single website out there". I'm really glad that there's still sites and web developers that use as little JS as possible, and as efficiently as possible. But there should be a lot more of them to make this general trend go away. I really hope that the quantity over quality trend will go away soon.. one by one, hopefully...
  • 1
    @Condor quantity over quality will never fade since it brings in money.

    Also, I'm not saying I'm efficient, just saying that I try to keep the load off the clients as much as I can xD (my server-side code tends to be a huge, inefficient mess)
  • 1
    @BadMeetsEvil thanks! It's called Comfortaa. DevRant uses it too actually!
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    Looks like they’ve taken a leaf out of Microsoft’s book
  • 0
    .. Speed does matters, that what optimization is for, faster processes, less memory consumption.... Are you advocating against code optimization?

    Brave does suck though, it is nothing special, has really shady business practices, it just sucks
  • 0
    But it's still possible to create a site that doesn't have any js code. Huh?
  • 0
    @mundo03 I am not advocating against optimization or speed. What I am saying is that if it's an optimization worth bragging about, it'd better have benchmarks with it and a note of what actually got faster. The main useful thing in a web browser to optimize would be the engine. But the Blink engine is built by Google, not the Brave team. What else?

    Have you ever seen those "this product is just as good as this unnamed competing product", or "this product is 20% faster than this unnamed big brand product" type of things? Marketers love to slap those on packages, and they don't mean jack shit. This is that.

    Another example would be https://youtu.be/3ZfYF9aIO7U. Excellent video, be sure to watch it!
  • 1
    @Condor its over 40 minutes!
  • 1
    @mundo03 don't worry, only the first couple of minutes are relevant. The rest of it is pretty much a full disassembly and review of the drill. It's good stuff if you're into tool teardowns, but if not, feel free to tune out after the unboxing is complete.

    @BadMeetsEvil interesting, I've only had this notification once when I posted this rant. Not sure if there's anything in particular I've done to disable it.. but I guess that you can disable the notifications for Brave? Apparently there's a notification channel for "Browser" and some others like "Downloads", "Incognito" and "Media". So I guess that disabling the "Browser" notification channel would fix it? I mean it'd be a hack for sure but it might work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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