
Fuck you XCode ... You are fucking useless!

  • 29
    But have you tried using CGFloat instead of CGFloat?
  • 9
    @ethernetzero I didn't think of that, thank you :P
  • 33
    Personally, I would use CGFloat instead of CGFloat or CGFloat.

    But whatever CGFloats your CGBoat. 🤷‍♂️😀
  • 2
    @arcadesdude 😂😂😂😂
    Nice one
  • 4
    May not help in this situation, but I had a similar issue in Java complaining that "Date" was incompatible with "Date"; turned out it was a namespace clash (java.sql.Date and java.util.Date) and no, they're not directly compatible (lol).
  • 2
    @tachoknight had that too but in my case it's an extension method for CGFloat 🤦🏼‍♂️
  • 0
    Shouldn't that mean that a variable is trying to store a CGFloat instance without being correctly typed first?
  • 4
    Pretty much on par with the rest of Apple stuff then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 1
    If you read it in a certain intonation it's a fragment sentence.

    "Did you mean to use CGFloat" *or was it an accident*
  • 0
    @seraphimsystems hahaha why not 😂
  • 0
    All that for 100$ per years dev account XD
  • 0
    @jak645 Xcode is free actually. 😉
  • 0
    @Lensflare but need to pay for be enable people to install it ... :p
  • 0
    @jak645 You can download Xcode from the OSX app store for free and use it for free. The 100$ you mentioned is for the developer account to be able to develop apps for the store. This is unlike VS where you pay for enterprise or pro versions of the IDE.
  • 0
    I@Lensflare but i can make an application on vscode and put it on google play store for free ... With a pourcent of people buy it :S
  • 0
    @jak645 vscode is not Visual Studio. vscode is just an editor (with some cool features for developers), not an IDE. You could make an android app in vscode but it would be needlessly complicated. Also, the google play store requires you to pay a one time fee of 25€ to be able to publish apps there. It's much less that the apple app store but still not free.
  • 0
    The 'L' is just an upper case 'i' to fuck with you
  • 0
    In their infinite wisdom, Apple created a class for a CGF Iota, whatever that may be, but then mistyped it.

    Hence, CGFIoat. Not CGFloat, CGFIoat.
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