
Can next week topic be "Your desktop parts and price" or " Story of your first desktop"?

I'm planning for my first custom built desktop 😁

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    @dfox 🙇‍♂️
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    I wonder if there will be wankery over "look how expensive my desktop is" like that 🤔
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    @Condor there will be 🤣 but meh, I'm looking for something under $600 😆
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    @cursee *wank wank* that's the price of my phone 🙃 but it's a pretty reasonable price, given that it's got better specs than my also €600-ish desktop. Unlike my desktop, this OnePlus 6T is worth its weight in gold 😁

    By the way, if you want a decent computer for cheap, don't look too far, especially when it comes to the new ones. For example, my newest laptop acquisition is an HP Compaq business laptop from 2004-ish as a compensation for refurbishing a similarly old laptop from Toshiba for one of my neighbors. I pretty much got the HP unit for the price of experimenting with distros for very old hardware and extremely low RAM, which was actually quite fun and challenging!

    My HP laptop has one Centrino core and 1.25GB of first-gen DDR RAM (expandable to 2GB). But the keyboard is just.. I can wank over that keyboard all day. It's a real desktop keyboard shoved into a laptop, and I find it a delight to work with, especially for development. So you don't really *need* much to get going, especially with Linux. A decently built laptop from over a decade ago? Still kicking around no problem, and readily available!
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    The story of my first desktop is so fucking hot it can generate instant boners on every devrant user for the rest of the week... So I'm only gonna say it used windows 3.11... That's all I'm gonna share to protect the community.
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    @cobolplz lol windows 3.11. I am not sure if I was born then :P and I'm almost 30.
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    @irene don't be such a baby 😏
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    @irene I just want to learn the specs and prices. It will be beneficial to every noobs like me who wants to set up own desktops.

    If there are people showing off, we can just ignore them 🤷‍♂️

    We had devdesk week and it went fine. Since we are not gamers, I don't think we will have that much of show off posts.
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