How many of you practically do that🌚

  • 6
    I do, with some exceptions like HTML attributes.
  • 6
    We have git hooks for that :)
  • 5
    Using coding standards here. Bitbucket doesn't allow us to merge branches if there are any violations.
  • 7
  • 4
    Professionals use tools for mundane, easily automated jobs -.-
  • 0
    reformatting does the dirty work
  • 0
    @RememberMe what's your approach when it's possible to increase readability by sacrficing some rules?
  • 0
    I always like to think you can judge a programmer by how his code looks
  • 0
    Uhhhh, I don't usually put spaces because they are put automatically
  • 1
    Lint is life.
  • 1
    @mt3o I would go for it iff it helps readability, maintainability, and/or achievement of goals, but I'll mark it in a way that's it's possible to find easily (via a comment or something) and also probably tell the linter to ignore those lines. Pretty rare, though, and usually a big no-no. Standards really do help when you're maintaining and/or modifying something.

    Sorry, totally forgot about replying to this.
  • 2
    Intellij ?
  • 2
    Shift + alt + l is the key
  • 0
    Sorry was just following @sak96 ^^
  • 0
    I either do this or make it a point to do the opposite... depends on if anyone else is ever gonna see it. (Whether it's going up somewhere public doesn't 1:1 equal whether I beautify it or not, mind you, as if I know it's not gonna ever be seen, I won't care.)
  • 0
    Get out of my feed, miscategorised meme scum!
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