REST clients today can use upwards to 1000MB of memory. This leads to a poor experience for people who don't have access to high power machines, such as those in developing countries. So I built a REST client that uses ~60MB.

Introducing Nightingale, a fast and resource efficient REST client for Windows 10.

Let me know what you think! Looking forward to your feedback πŸ™πŸ½


  • 16
    Looks nice except Windows :/
  • 5
    @lamka02sk thanks for the feedback
  • 4
    can I access the response of 1 request (or part of) and use it in the body of another request?

    This is my go to client, so you'll need some convincing features.
  • 2
    @C0D4 yes you can using the chaining feature. There are instructions in the app under the "chains" section of your request
  • 3
    @Kidjenius oh, and can I disable ssl verifications - assuming you are doing that.
  • 0
    @C0D4 yes you can disable that in the settings menu (click the gear icon at the top right to open it)
  • 0
    @C0D4 if you end up not liking Nightingale, please do let me know if you have feedback. I'm always hungry to learn and improve!

    Also, one highlight feature of Nightingale is you can click the Save As button to save your data as a text-based collection file. You can commit this to your git repo, or upload to OneDrive, or save it wherever you want. Then, you can double click on it to launch Nightingale and edit it or run your requests.
  • 0
    Just curious. Does it have an ability to export/import collections of requests? This is mandatory for teams.

    I'm assuming this tool is not cross-platform ay?
  • 1
    @netikras not currently cross platform, but if the demand is there, it will be.

    Nightingale saves your data in text based documents. If you click Save As, you can save the document anywhere on your file system: into a git repo, a SharePoint, a OneDrive, a Dropbox, etc. You can also email it or send it over Teams. It's simply a text based file.

    Then, you can double click on the file to launch Nightingale and you get edit or run your collections. You can launch multiple files at the same time so there are multiple windows of Nightingale. It functions almost like VS code.

    Many existing customers share their Nightingale collection via their git repo. That's how their teams work together.

    Let me know if there's another team based scenario that you're looking for, though
  • 5
    While I won't be switching from postman any time soon (need the extra features and cross compatibility), I do like the way it looks. Thought the screenshot was vscode at first glance
  • 1
    Great initiative i must say!!
  • 0
    Will check it next week after my vacation ☺️
  • 0
    Can it be downloaded outside the store? Company policy prevents me from downloading most of the store stuff
  • 0
    @Plasticnova aside from cross platform support, what other features do you need? It would be great to hear so I can add them too
  • 0
    @Kidjenius I use the team sync feature, build tests, use the code generation feature (helpful for writing examples for docs quickly in languages I don't use), and I use the mock api for a few QA things. Building out tests and the team sync are my most critical though. That and I mainly use Linux and Mac, only use my windows box for gaming for the most part
  • 0
    @Plasticnova thanks for the details. Nightingale has preview support for code generation and tests. It doesn't have postman's implementation of team sync, but Nightingale saves its collections as a text based file which you can commit to git or share with your team via OneDrive or Dropbox. I have customers that sync their collections with their teams via their own cloud storage. They like this more because they control the data and they can move it wherever they want.

    Mock api support is in the backlog. Thanks again for your reply. Good to know Nightingale checks off almost all your requirements.
  • 0
  • 1
    @elzdev sounds good, let me know what you think later!
  • 0
    @theuser not currently unfortunately. When you say "most stuff", does that mean there are some apps that you can install from the store? If so, could this be one of them?
  • 1
    Looks nice.

    Running Linux though :/
    Is there support for storing secrets?
  • 0
    Looks like postman clone
  • 0
    @Kidjenius probably not, it's a big company that curates a selection of store apps. I will give it a go home instead, gonna need it soon anyway for side projects
  • 0
    If it’s developed for developing countries then I’d think that it should cater for the OS mostly found in developing countries. Have you imagined releasing it for very old and/or power efficient OS such as would be more common in the 3rd world?

    Developed countries generally do have access to >1GB of ram. I’m not saying it’s still a great initiative, but since you’re targeting windows 10 it’s still not going to aid a big portion of the developing world.
  • 1
    @sebbestune are you from a developing country?
  • 0
    @Kidjenius no, and I would say good point unless I already knew that in many countries there are problems to even afford a computer and what system is on it will be up to whatever happens to be sold to the person (or in certain areas what is given such as in the raspberry pie projects (check sources such as the telegraph and northeastern.edu)).

    Of course there are still rich people and a middle class even in developing countries, these might have Windows 10. But on the other hand the people that might really need it, might not. Look at sources such as The Borgen Project and other articles in the matter.

    I still think this is a good initiative and I am sure there are still other things I’ve not thought about either. Also I think everyone appreciate the change from 1GB to 60MB either way, of course.
  • 0
    @sebbestune I'm from a developing country
  • 0
    @Kidjenius finally got some time to play with your app.
    Will try to use it, instead of Postman.
    Maybe i will get a pro/con list, when i use it, during my normal workflow πŸ€“
    Will keep you updated!
  • 1
    @elzdev pro cons list would be great. I know Nightingale isn't perfect so any constructive feedback would be much appreciated. I'm always looking to improve it. Thanks!
  • 0
    Can you provide somewhere the downloadable app, as our company does block the microsoft store, looks nice
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