
Remind me why I use Win**** again. I just cannot understand how stuff like this can even happen.

  • 9
    Because you hate yourself
  • 7
    Filed under [GDI-tricks]
  • 4
    They might sound strong, powershell and command, but they still can't bash it out. I won't be surprised if they make a Unix only program and call it.
  • 6
    It's software from 2013, and you're on remote. There's a whole lot of things that could cause it, like lack of updates, network lag, the fact that WS 2012 introduced a new UI and it took a while to field-test it and focus on stability, ... And then we can address the elephant in the room, why don't you use a remote Powershell instead of full GUI access?
  • 0
    It evolves.
  • 4
    @bennysway they did, it's a split-screen terminal. Also fuck Powershell, CMD or gtfo

    @ddit GPU fuckup?
  • 0
    @hitko Yup, I'd be scared RDPing into a 2012 R2
  • 2
    @hitko @Parzi GPU is totally fine (other RDP sessions with other servers are ok.

    For some reason this particular server frequently does this even after disconnecting and reconnecting. It is still totally usable there's just icons everywhere and they move around when opening different programs.
  • 2
    @dontbeevil to be honest there is many reasons why I would use Linux but GUIs is not one of them.
  • 4
    @dontbeevil now I remember that there is almost not a single program in existence that doesn't have any bugs or issues
  • 0
    @dontbeevil I want to reply to all of your comments, but since devRant only allows tagging and no threading or linking to the originalc comment, I'm going to leave this very vaguely here :

    "what is that? how did you get there? what did you do?"
  • 0
    @dontbeevil on a semi-serious note though, coming to think of it, you are right. linux fans are like that.

    also, I'm curious to know what it is in your second picture. what are you running? is that supposed to look that way? how did you get it to look that way?
  • 0
    Well if we're talking graphics, Windows is actually a TON better IMO.

    And despite the bad rap that it has, Windows is pretty stable.

    I might rant about it later (I think it's an original idea!!!)
  • 1
    @dontbeevil Just wondering, you do realise that this is devRant, right? A place where you're allowed to rant about this kinda stuff.

    You don't have to bring this stuff to EVERY rant like this, why not let people rant a little in a platform which is meant for this?

    I might not be a huge Microsoft fan but I hardly bash windows 'fanboys'.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil wait, so "that's how I feel every single time in a windows rant" is an answer to "you do realise that this is devrant, right?"

    While I appreciate the effort, this isn't even remotely an answer to my question.
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    @dontbeevil I'd put that at the same 'level' of you commenting this (this being the those 'bait' comments) on every goddamn windows rant.

    Why not let people rant on a system without bashing or patronizing them for it? You're doing that just as hard with your comments as the Linux "fanboys" with their comments.
  • 0
    It becomes sentient.
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