
So I started a new job. The software is totally proprietary, and honestly pretty outside of my specialty.

And I fucking hate how every time I ask a question someone laughs.

I'm sure they're trying to keep the tone light but after a while it just pisses me off.

Don't make me feel guilty for trying to get assimilated.

  • 2
    I do the same at my job when people ask about our proprietary software, it isn't the questions that are funny, it is our software. (Its really more tragic than funny, but laughing does help)
  • 1
    Oh bro feel ya. In case you are payed well may seem good but rather simultaneously look for another job. I've heard that tech is there better than Ottawa there . P.s in on the other side I work at startup, okay had 1 month contract 2 months free work without realizing that but it's q dream job ., :D I'm looking for a job as well so this will be part time
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