
When your girlfriend takes notes for you over the phone so you don't forget it before you get home.

  • 8
    what a cute girl she is
  • 9
    That star of david guarantees quality note-taking pro skills
  • 3
    You should marry her, I'd be satisfied with my phone taking these notes when I'm driving and thinking code snippets.
  • 1
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    @sylar182 Oh I intend to eventually. Need money first >:(
  • 0
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  • 0
    That's such a thoughtful gesture from your girlfriend! Having someone who helps you remember important things shows how much they care about and you can visit https://public.tableau.com/app/... and It's those little acts of kindness that really make a relationship special and https://myanimelist.net/profile/... to check the best update.
  • 0
    Thanks for the sharing
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