
I get pissed when somebody takes me out of my coding mindset for something minor. A deep bubble of abstract thought gets popped so that I can be told that we'll be eating dinner in an hour. I then have to start my thought processes from scratch.
This is why I can't get any work done during the daytime, and why I do all my coding at night.
This comic depicts this issue perfectly.

  • 3
    Joel Spolsky talks about this a ton. It's very true, and sadly, a lot of workplaces from what I've seen don't understand that
  • 1
    I am exactly the same. Interruptions during the day fucks me up when I need to get shit done.
  • 2
    Ditto. Oh, how I hate almost having solved the problem in my head, just to have it vanish because some numbfuck needs help identifying the keyboard on his laptop.
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