
When you realize that you are in the third school year and still the half of the class prefers eclipse over intelliJ and think that git is useless.

  • 3
    I prefer Netbeans over intelliJ...
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    @linuxxx so then I need an explanation why you prefer NetBeans...
  • 1
    @M4R1KU I really like phpstorm but since I'm highly against using closed source software I use Netbeans since that comes the closest to phpstorm in my opinion :). Haven't used intellij in a while though so I'll install it again after the installation I'm running at the moment (switching back to elementary os) to see if I like it now.
  • 0
    @linuxxx well, that installation went faster than expected... Good old elementary again :)
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    @linuxxx haha nice that you are trying it out
    I trust JetBrains that they don't betray their users even it isn't open source.
    And to be honest you don't really know whether some linux open source distros do some shady things bc you wouldn't even have enough time to look at all the code.
    If I am completly wrong please correct me, I am open to change my opinion 😉
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    @M4R1KU I see your point and I think in most cases you are right but I'd rather not bet on it personally (better safe than sorry). Although I don't have time to check the code for myself, I don't feel comfy using non open software (hence why I don't use Google and me products either etc). Also, I think that since you cannot use closed source software in any way you want, it blocks innovation, which is why I'd rather not use it as well. But, solely my own opinions!
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    @linuxxx I don't think that closed source software blocks innovation. Probably it blocks innovation outside of the company which is developping it but projects like intellij have a lot of innovation in terms of plugins and addons. You can still customize intellij a lot witb your own plugin if you want. And if you are interested there is a community edition of intellij which is in fact open source.
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    It was embarrassing watching presentations in my senior projects class because almost everyone who used Java for their project was still using JGrasp from CS1
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    Wtf is wrong with eclipse...
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    @J4s0n kind of everything😂
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    @M4R1KU than you never used it the right way.
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    @J4s0n what is the right way and I used it nearly one whole year.
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    @M4R1KU So the right way ist to make it the way you need it. The good thing with intelji is it works for everyone. The good thing on eclipse you can make it the way you need it.

    (by the way I used both and I like both)
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    @J4s0n yeah you can cusromize eclipse very well but i don' t want to spend hours of setting up an environment. I also have customized intellij a lot but it is set up within some minutes and then I have what I want. At everyone should use the tool they enjoy to use and this point is missing when I use eclipse. Only the lack of a good dark theme in eclipse is a reason not to use eclipse for me personally.
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    @M4R1KU I do not want to explicitely support any IDE (because i am a text editor user) but i believe you can set your IDE up once and then export the settings and import it on another machine.
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    OK then why do you see it as some bad that people in your course prefer eclipse.

    The git thing is dumb as Fuck
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    My classmates prefer Netbeans over eclipse over intelliJ, and DevC++ over any other as notepad++ or sublime/atom and compile from console, fucking frustrating
  • 1
    I use eclipse, I don't get the all in one ide package for Java. I get the bare bones eclipse project and get the add-ons I need myself. Runs faster than intelliJ and you get to stick with open source :-)
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