
my client just said that she did not pay money, because she cant find her web in google...I uploaded files to production 2days ago

  • 7
    Did you warn her before you started that it would take time?
    I tell all my clients 3 months, then they're happy when it shows up in a week
  • 7
    Add opacity to the sites body and turn it up every once in a while. Then it will be truly invisible
  • 1
    @biscuit no, I don't, she didn't want seo till ~2hrs ago
  • 4
    @nerwin just tell her she has a choice, pay you or the site gets taken down. Be polite about it, explain you've done what she was paying for so you need to be paid. Then offer her some seo, to be paid upfront ;-)
    And this time warn her seo takes a while to work!
  • 5
    Reminds me of a client that complained about the site not updating. Turned out she was visiting the wrong domain.
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