
DevRant should have a separate sections where ppl can ask questions and learn from each other... Kinda like stackoverflow but I think this environment would be way better

  • 4
    All content would probably still end up coming from Stack Overflow. 😂

    Really though, this idea would indeed be interesting.
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    @corscheid Ikr 😂😂😂
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    @uddinstock yeeees! Someone gets it!
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    @uddinstock bitchy? I assume you meant something along the lines of petty. I agree with less judgy. People of devRant have been pretty awesome about being decent human beings
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    Maybe we can tag them as questions or something else.
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    SO badges through the window, through the wall
  • 6
    I strongly disagree, it's not there doesn't need to be a place for mentoring, I just don't think devrant should be that place.

    Stack overflow has a lot of "do my homework for me" questions and yes, students mght be stuck, but there shouldn't be a magic "make my program work" site, for it will be abused.

    Likewise if devrant continues with it's original aim, sooner or later, someone is gonna get fed up with the same questions being asked or the attitude of an op when there's a disagreement (as eventually there will be) and rant about it. Feelings get hurt, people get pissy, threads get deleted or something, some people get angry others don't, ultimately etiquette documents are drawn up and you have stack overflow site, with fewer rules, less questions and a site that's expanded beyond it's original scope of a place to just vent.

    I could be wrong, but I'd be surprised if I wasn't...
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    @nmunro you have a pretty accurate vision of future. Are you sure Skynet didn't send you to kill John Conner?
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    @Siddharthkr93 I'm at this very moment running tech for a community Xmas party, remind me to double check the names of all the male children...
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    @nmunro <yoda_dialect>A man of wisdom you are. Mmmmmmm. </yoda_dialect>
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    Dude the only difference is that in StackOverflow if you did something wrong you are going to get down votes and passive comments, here you'll get f*ks and "why don't you use x?" comments and probably your question will turn in to a discussion rant.
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