
Most of these windows lovers here exist just because windows haters don't have a solid reason and follow up on those who actually do have good reasons to hate windows.

Moral of the story: Don't hate windows just because you think all the devs hate it. Come up with some decent reasons to avoid gamers and microsoft warriors from crushing your rant.

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    Unfortunately, Windows has more games and software. But that's because people don't want to change. If more people used linux, companies would get their shit together and make software for linux. These days though, all the games I play are on linux. And all the software I use. I've started making a game, and there are some solid tools for the job on linux. Anyway, does it matter really? Linux has won. Total victory on mobile, IoT and servers. Only desktop resists, and with new advancements like Vulkan, that's changing. And that's good. People should support people and ideas, not companies that only want their money. By supporting windows, you just help an investor buy a new plane or something. By supporting an open-source project you help yourself and thousands of other people be more creative. So, please tell me, why on earth would anyone hate linux and support Windows?
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    And then there is the whole grahical industry where you can decide if you want to use adobe/affinuity/cinema4d on mac or Windows. If there would be decent Tools for my work on Linux, i would've switched years ago... Games are Fun, but when even Rocket league is available for Windows, this isn't a Point anymore.
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    @Artemix I want to see the designer that can achieve the same results with the tools you mentioned rather than with the adobe/affinity suite. I don't want to be rude, but the tools you mentioned are not nearly as capable as the affinity/adobe suite. For the dev or hobby-designer-dev on weekends this may seem enough. But the question was why anyone would choose windows over linux - and that is the answer: If I can't use the tools I need to make a living on linux then it HAS TO BE windows. That's not difficult to understand. And with the tools you mentioned (even GIMP which I tried for a few months) I would never be able to get a workflow that gives me the results I have to deliver as a designer. And that's the deathspiral: Me not using Linux because I can't work with it as a designer >> Adobe not seeing a big change of their users requesting support for linux >> Adobe not developing their suite for Linux >> me not able to switch to linux >> ...
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    @Artemix Let me give you a quick compare of the industry-standards: Adobe After Effects/Premiere Pro with OBS Studio - I know OBS studio, I'm using it on windows. It's only capable of light cutting. What about trapcode-integrations? Tweening? Shape-forming? Color-Grading? Avocode for PSD-Work - I tried avocode as well, but this is not to WORK on a PSD-File and create stunning compositions. It's just to get some information from the already build up PSD-file to the dev. This can not even compared. Avocode is more a "plug-in" than a standalone photo-manipulation-software. Calligra Suite as replacement for...? Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop? Microsoft Office seems to be more the suitable comparison companion. It's not about aeavy vector-graphic-creation or image-manipulation but rather about lightweight graphics-creation. For that I already switched from Office Suite to LibreOffice.
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    @Atlas For professional software, have you tried Krita? It's really great and moving fast. Some say it's better that Photoshop for some things, like drawing for example... Also, Lightworks for video editing has a different but VERY fast workflow.
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    @antoni4040 the problem is though people who want freedom by using Linux also probably won't pay as much as windows or Mac users for proprietary software. Also it f the software is not open source people who use Linux probably won't want to use it.

    I'm not tarring everyone with this brush, just sayin
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    @philcr I would pay double the money to software-developing companies to just be able to use a underlying system that is clean, fast and reliable (windows is not!) on every hardware I want to choose (Apple does not let me). I already paid for both products of Serif (Affinity Suite) although I lack some features to completely switch from Adobe just to let Serif and indirectly let Adobe know that their product is better. Which, btw, in my opinion is just because Serif listens to user feature requests (like Sketch) and Adobe doesn't.
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    @philcr I believe that Adobe etc make most of their money from companies that buy software for their employees, so I'm not sure about the strength of your argument... And professionals that are willing to pay what they must...
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    @philcr I also think that something as complex as an OS is better preserved in hands of a whole open-source community rather than a closed company-circle. You know: 500 eyes see less problems than 100.000 eyes. But a specific software would be a nice-to-have if open source but somehow everyone have to make money. That's okay. If it would be open-source I couldn't be sure that I support the right people. Also money is a big incentive to develop fast and new features. For a steady OS this is not as crucial to me as for the daily used software that has to adapt to fast industry changing standards/demands.
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    @Atlas @antoni4040 if I was sure that my software would be used on Linux I would invest the time in porting it. But without certainty it would be dead money.
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    Ugh... Another one of these arguments.

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    @drRoss which One?
    @philcr Well, nobody can predict the future.
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    @Atlas The 'Linux is better than Windows' age old debate.

    Use what suits you and stfu about it.
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    @drRoss you know you enjoy these arguments as much as i do
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    @jckimble I actually really dislike them, mainly because it's people complaining about how much Windows sucks. Then they move to Linux for a week, then come crawling back.
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    @drRoss why you let things bug you, as long as it works for you who cares what others say. there's rants about linux on here granted not as many as windows but it doesn't bother me cause i know why i choose linux and its good for me. You know as well as anybody on here I'll rip the hell out of microsoft on here with the only thing i dislike more is apple but personally i couldn't careless what other people do. Have some fun be a troll say linux sucks cause it doesn't have perfect graphics card support even though it has 100000 developers working on it, as long as you don't take it personally its a fun way to get a few laughs and blow off some steam
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    @jckimble To be fair, any sort of proposed elitism bugs me. And often in these discussions it'll be the age old argument of Microsoft of the early 90s hating Linux. I prefer to use relevant recent facts just to disprove those people.
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    @drRoss yeah the thing about it is that both have their advantages and disadvantages. its like compairing a philips and flat screwdriver both work good on different types of screws. But its fun to me to poke the bear to see what kind of dumbass arguments both sides come up with
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    @jckimble But it's always the same argument!! There's only so many times I can read about someone complaining about Windows Updates!
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    Just one question, am I the only idealistic idiot around here that considers the moral concequences? Like, I don't know, letting one fucking company deciding how you're supposed to work, a company with a long history that shows it will do anything to guarantee more money for its investors and nothing else, because that's what companies are supposed to do? It's not about games or services we're talking about here. We are talking about tools. Control the tools, and you control the lives of billions. Sounds convoluted and even crazy? Fine, I'll show myself out, you kids have fun when the whole thing gets fucked up in a few years...
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    @antoni4040 Oh come on... Even the distros of Linux that people use line the pockets of the big companies.

    Ever heard of the Linux foundation? Yeah, there's a reason that people like VMWare and Microsoft are fully paid up members. Because the more money you pay to the Linux foundation, the more your requests are worked on in Linux.

    E.g. Microsoft want a change made or added to the kernel? They'll get it because of the money they pay towards funding the development of Linux you all know and love.
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    @antoni4040 well as for that argument. If you haven't noticed they're 3 major players that control most of the internet microsoft, apple, and google. take a look at all 3 and their product lines. All 3 are trying to have full control of your information.
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    @drRoss while you're right not every request will be added due to the nature of linux. Even if it is it can be removed before compile where its not being used while on propritary systems you either run it or don't use it. Another advantage of linux is that if you want a system feature you can make it, worse case you can patch the kernel if its not accepted mainstream. Windows/macX all you can do is request the feature and hope they do it
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