
A little follow up regarding https://devrant.com/rants/3115422/

I'm quitting. Seems like owners took a huge chance in the past couple years when the business was doing good, and didn't plan for any kind of potential trouble. Now the stress is going through the roof, noting we do is good or fast enough, there's micromanagement everywhere. On top of that, it seems the company took a huge financial risk with the project I've been in charge of, and isn't getting nearly enough customers to cover that. As a result, people were told to lie about new features we've had in works to attract customers.

Several other people are quitting in the following months, and it seems like it's all coming down like a house of cards.

On a brighter note, I'll be done with all this just in time for my exams, so I can properly prepare for them.

  • 7
    It'll feel good to be out of there, I'm sure.
  • 2
    @yowhatthefuck I'm doing a MS degree. In my experience, you can totally look up a bunch of simple image recognition tutorials online and make a recognition model for, say, detecting faulty products from in a production line. If that's the kind of knowledge you're interested in, you'll just waste your time studying for a masters.

    A masters study is just way more theoretical, and things you'll learn there have little practical value. However, it pushes you to explore things you wouldn't do on your own, like how to get a tight estimate for the value of some complex probability without calculating all the integrals, which will come in handy if you ever need to make some estimates for thousands of users.
  • 2
    @hitko I'm giving an example from data science since that's the field I'm studying, but as far as I'm aware the same general idea holds for other MS studies you can do here.
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