
From when the creator of GIFs was given an award.

Does anyone else see the problem?

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    That's very jraphic.
  • 8
    I see the problem: it's actually a JPG!
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    the problem is that language is fluid and out of their control?
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    jraphic interchange format
  • 12
    I'll pronounce gif as jif so long as I'm allowed to pronounce jpeg gaypeg.
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    @AlmondSauce you mean gaypej
  • 0
    Who would have thought that gif is not pronounced "gif"? 😲
  • 1
    What’s next? Jira is actually not pronounced "Jira"?
  • 0
    We pronounce it “Scoooba” not “Scuhba” despite it being an acronym for “self-contained underwater breathing apparatus”.

    We pronounce it “lay-zer” not “lahhser” despite it being an acronym for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”.

    We pronounce it “AY-sap” not “Ahh-sap” despite it being an acronym for “as soon as possible”.

    We pronounce it “pihn” not “pine” despite it being an acronym for “personal identification number”.

    My point is, we don’t ALWAYS use the sound the letter has in the drawn out word as the sound we use in the acronym. And there are a lot of words that start with “g” that sound like “j”: “giraffe”, “geriatric”, “germinate”, etc.
  • 2
    English is confusing. Sometimes G sounds like J, sometimes sounds like G.
  • 4
    It’s “gif,” not peanut butter.
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    @Root You disappoint me... You were supposed to be the chosen one, you were supposed to defeat the dark side, not join them!
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    @Demolishun Shush, jiffy.
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    @AmyShackles I would say that it's the rule in English that, to be a decent person, you must avoid saying the sounds suggested by the written form of the word.
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    Jpg is pronounced h-peg
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    At least you all don’t say “ping” for PNGs.
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    @Root that's pronounced pee-engine
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    @Root I know people who do (German)
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    I’m fine with almost any pronunciation of any abbreviations like PNG.

    What really triggers me is when people use apostrophes or other crap for plural like PNG's or even worse, PNG`s. 🤢

    Pee En Jesus Christ, thats disgusting!
  • 4
    @Lensflare Same here. It's as if some people have decided that any plural form or even any "s" at the end of a word should be preceded by an apostrophe, resulting in perversions like "thank's". It's terrible - and when I think of it, some of those people are native speakers.

    From my knowledge apostrophe for plural should only be used when simply slapping an "s" at the end of the word doesn't work (can't think of an example right now).
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    Burn the witcher!
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    I knew a Vietnamese guy that I worked with at Iomega. He always pronounced "zip drives" as "jip drives". I explained to him how that sounds like the drives are a bad deal. As in being gypped by someone. He took some time and practiced how to "zip" properly. So does that mean Gypsies are not now pronounced with "g" sound?

    gif will always be jif for me.
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    @Demolishun Okay Skippy. 😉😇
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    @Root no that is how I say png
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    its pronounced "JIRAFFE"
    not "GIRAFFE"


    I will forever pronounce it as GIF.
    I will understand if you refer to it as JIF or GIF, and i promise i won't try to "educate" anyone.

    Too much "eduction" on insignificant semantics, too little introspection on interpersonal relationships with strangers and colleagues.
  • 2
    Fuck it.... I've been saying gif since it was created... And never met a person who could correct me....
    If I say no-no it's said jif... Then I'm a know it all, so fuck it...
    Also... 99% of times I say the word gif I have to explain what it is, so..
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