
Is there anyone in the whole of devRant working with VR, AR, speech or motion detection?

I keep thinking that those were just fads that disappeared, because I'm still to see a single lasting-success product.
It might be temporary, someone might invent motion control that actually works or an Alexa that does not suck (unless you speak English with an toothpaste-commercial accent), or a non-goofy AR set.

But if not a single dev in devRant is working with it, it does not seem likely.

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    Plenty of people working on both. devRant is hardly a representative sample.
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    All the developers working in these fields are incredibly happy and have nothing to rant about
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    @nibor It's well known that all VR/AR devs are paid well, have nice managers, reasonable deadlines, no overtime, and get flowers and sunshine blown up their butts twice per week - hence nothing to rant about.

    Some of these devs just can't bear that sheer bliss of existence and resort to desperate measures such as buying an Alienware laptop like @NickyBones did to have at least some basic frustration in life.
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    I dunno man. Look at the PSVR game library. Most of them are small indy developers. That tells me the tech itself is in it's toddler state (I played VR when it was in it's infancy on a 486) but that revenue is possible AND that VR will capture people's interest for several decades more. We're still using tech from the 70's for most of the internet on hardware that's at least a few years old.

    All tech eventually becomes obsolete. That's just something we all have to live with and work around. VR just isn't an exception. Who knows what tech gets rolled into that term in the (near) future? Imagine programming smells. It will happen. Eventually.
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    I worked on a VR product for 2 years. At that time (2016-2017), the technology for a good enough experience was just not there. The product never saw the market, and Intel recently closed that division. Magic Leap also was a flop, because they couldn't deliver results that matched the hype.
    I think when something good comes up, it will definitely be popular. But for VR, it's either exceptional or it's trash. Most tech products in other fields, even successful products - are still trash. The bar for VR adoption is just very high.
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    @NickyBones , I see some challenges between the state of the art and consumer-grade VR and AR.
    Motion detection and speech recognition are just not there yet, algthought those I think may even evolve into something less frustrating.
    Context-awareness in 3D images is a Turing-prize level problem, since it can be "reduced" to general AI. How many times did you see a Pokemon (GO) get run over by a bike or a car, and ignore it?
    And those are just empirical problems. Engineering a motion detection system that is unobtrusive is nearly impossible. How to make it portable? Or will it be limited to your kinect-having living room? GDPR concerns?
    And really-portable battery tech, capable of powering energy-hungry ultrasound and camera sensors for hours is still sci-fi.
    It's nearly the same problem as "space civilization by 2001!" - the use case changed long before technology could deliver on it.
    There may even be some use cases, but I've never met a satellite engineer. It's just not mainstream.
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    Having played with the quest 2 for a while I can say it is pretty solid, and in my opinion "good enough "

    Standalone, cheap, light, modular, capable of convincing graphics (especially when cranking up the texture res in dev mode) possibility to see thru the cameras

    The only thing it's missing is high quality content that's not a game or pornography..
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