
I can't tell if XCode is a torture device or just very badly written.

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    At least beeter than AppCode by jetbrain
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    as a former mobile dev: it depends. It can be a (a) very productive environment (b) buggy piece of shit or (c) extremely unproductive environment.

    Depends on the version and bug fixes. Personally I blame trying to push Swift on everything they do as if the fucking multi trillion dollar obj-c codebase they have needs porting to something else. As good as Swift is, if they already had an established and proper ecosystem for obj-c they should have just kept to that.

    But what do I know. I am just not a prog-lang hater
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    I’d say badly written based on the new Swift Playgrounds 4 for iPadOS. It’s basically a dumbed down version of X code and is so much easier and smoother even in this first release
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    I've always found the UI incredibly stupid. Like "archive", basically one of the most important things you need to do on a day-to-day basis, is nested in the 'Product' tab? I don't really get it.
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    And they complain when the "any device" isn't selected for archive - well yeah that's the only target that works, so can't you just archive the fucking app for any device since that's the only thing you LET ME DO ANYWAY.

    So yes, torture device confirmed.
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    Can't it be both?
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    I mean, why not both?
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    @fullstackchris the terminology "archive" is also a bit strange. Like "have you archived your work today"..."Yes I have, it's live". Wtf?
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    @rEaL-jAsE You... enjoyed... being tortured?
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    I've been using Xcode since 2008, and I've never seen a single Xcode release that "just works".

    I don't remember a single day when I didn't swear at Xcode...

    It's close to impossible that a $3Trillion company with millions of employees can make software that's as ridiculous as Xcode.

    The only explanation that I can give is that they do it on-purpose.

    I can confirm that's it's surely a torture!
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    @dontbeevil It all depends on what you're using it for! :-))
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