Does anyone have a better way to implement throttle on value changes in c# ?

I'm using this right now and I find it a bit "too much lines"

.Select(e => ((string)e.Value)?.Trim())
.Subscribe((x) =>
quisckSearch = x;
InvokeAsync(async () => await LoadFirstPage());

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    No idea how C# works, but here an idea

    time_range = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200)
    value = (string)e.Value)?.Trim()

    def throttling_action(x):
    quisckSearch = x;
    InvokeAsync(async () => await LoadFirstPage());

    .Select(e => (value)
    .Subscribe((x) => throttling_action(x));

    Refactor first to have everything as separate readably named values first
    It already looks nicer in my opinion

    Then make an attempt to wrap thing thingy too

    time_range = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200)
    value = (string)e.Value)?.Trim()

    def throttling_action(x):
    quisckSearch = x;
    InvokeAsync(async () => await LoadFirstPage());

    def trotthler_on_value_change(throttler)
    return throttler.Select(e => (value)
    .Subscribe((x) => throttling_action(x))

    def throttler():
    return highlight

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    @prodigy214 that's exactly what this code does. I'm just looking for "less" lines ! But thanks !
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    @dontbeevil In this case now.

    It's really a throttle.

    BUT there is a debouncer at the level of LoadFirstPage, which will cancel old task and start a new one.

    because that can be called while pagination happens or filter is applied or quick search is performed.
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