How the fuck? I didn't even go out.

  • 5
    my wife tested positive with those twice in a row... she didn't have it (we did official tests afterwards), it was a dud packet.

    Do 2 or 3
  • 26
    Congratulations, you're pregnant!
  • 7
    @netikras so you are the father ..
  • 3
    @ojt-rant Yeah, i tried the opposite.

    Official test's said i had it, 3 homekits said i didn't...
  • 3
    @README-txt scary.

    For us both my wife and I took two from the same packet. Both of mine were correct (nagative), both of hers failed (positive). When we got tested at the testing facility we were both negative.
  • 5
    It doesn't make sense how much money our government put in to those phony test centers.

    In my country, you could either get testet by doctors/nurses for free in certain test-centers

    (Highly accurate),

    or you could get testet by private company's, by people that had been through an 8 hour "Education", where they testet you with the same kits that you could buy in any supermarket.

    (Not accurate at all)

    Both paid by our government...
  • 3
    By another box of them to be sure.
    Some are duds for better or worse.
  • 1
    @catgirldev I didn't know.
  • 2
    Am i the only one who sees a wonky image?
  • 2
    A country in Africa tested a tree, a rock, and a goat. They all came back positive.
  • 2
    All the tests are bogus.
  • 1
    Why did you do the test if you don't think you could possibly have it?
  • 0
    @k4rma omg.
  • 0
    I'm still the only one who says covid is a fake disease or code word for some other disease
  • 1
    I think you're a raccoon 🦝
  • 1
    @jonas-w nah, typicall devrant.
    only ++++ users can see images in they`re original ratio
  • 0
    @Jedidja *table flip*
  • 5
    @TheWrongGod No, it is real. It's just largely harmless -- yes yes, some people react severely; most don't. The only real surprising thing was how easily it spread, which makes sense as it was engineered to do exactly that. Thanks, china, fauci, etc.

    The biggest issue isn't the infection itself, it's that the infection can give you long covid if you're unlucky. Long covid is another name for PVFS (post-viral fatigue syndrome) which varies in severity, but lasts for years as your body slowly repairs the damage. If PVFS is sufficiently bad, it's referred to as ME/CFS -- chronic fatigue syndrome. All three have the same underlying causes and mechanics, though secondary symptoms vary person to person.

    The cure? None. Just waiting and hoping.

    The treatment? None, at least nothing official. There's quite a bit of research going on, though, due to the sheer number of long covid cases.

    Source: personal experience and many research benders.
  • 3
    I did lots of tests, all negative except for the one when I had all the main symptoms of covid (delta variant). Those hundreds of people dying every day of every week (and that's just in the UK) probably weren't doing it to get attention.
  • 0
  • 0
    @johnmelodyme the test shows stripes. Raccoons have stripes. You're a raccoon
  • 1
    @Root "thanks China " well someone tried to be a batman , and taking "you are what you eat " to another level.
  • 2
    @johnmelodyme It didn’t come from a bat, though.
  • 2
    @Root yeap it came from a lab.
  • 2
    @johnmelodyme THE BAT LAB!
    (cue theme song)
  • 2
    Na na na na na na na na
    BAT LAB!
  • 0
    @Root @iiii that sounds like Matlab for a second there.
  • 0
    He’s becoming batracoonman
  • 0
  • 1
    Damn bro, congrats on the covid baby
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