Wondering if I should learn Kotlin

  • 4
    It's worth it. It's better than java and at the same time 100% compatible with java so you can mix libraries and other fun things.
  • 2
    @ryanmhoffman that alone makes me confident to start. Their documentation looks complete and easy to follow too ;) thank you!
  • 0
    @JerreMuesli um... why not?
  • 3
    Definitely mix them. That's fine lol. I work in a complex application that is written in a mixture of Kotlin and Java. Prefer to code in Kotlin. Way less boilerplate, way more fun (also has some really cool features) :)
  • 0
    Yeah I try to write my code in Kotlin but if I need a library for something 99% of the time it's in java so I mix them.
  • 0
    Just Do It.
  • 0
    I just started learning it 2 or 3 days ago, I like it so far
  • 2
    @ryanmhoffman you can use Java methods in Kotlin.
  • 0
    @JerreMuesli um why though I wonder. I saw Twidere app mix Kotlin and Java together and it turns out good (and that's one of my motivation to learn Kotlin).
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