Wannabe college coder starter pack:
1) SUN Certified JAVA Programmer
2) W3Schools Certificate
3) I know all computer languages
4) I'm going to Join Google by the end of college.

  • 5
    5) alot of stickers on his/her MacBook that dont make sense
  • 9
    6) have extreme opinions about which ide/text editor to use and bash them on everybody's face
  • 1
    Add a "lets encrypt" certificate to this as well.
  • 0
  • 2
    Boast for having Linux installed
  • 1
    7. Always talks about how they wrote their report in LaTeX
    8. When they notice you are using word they lecture you on LaTeX
    9. This comment was written in LaTeX

  • 3
    "I'm going to join Google by the end of college" 😂
  • 2
    @CelerySitck welcome to devRant!
  • 0
    @iAmNaN thanks man!
  • 0
    Nowadays in most of the colleges there is the main concern about the programming using java. Although it is specific to use https://essayhunters.com/edugeekscl... this link that will be of great source for all the new learners.
  • 0
    I agree that point 3 and 4 are ridiculous but I believe that there’s nothing bad in starting your programming journey from W3School and a Java Cert, everyone has to start from somewhere and there are people like me who hadn’t the chance to go to a technical institute to learn real world programming or to have a mentor to guide me, all I could do was to learn basic C++ and SQL from my high school ITC course, Python from SoloLearn, basic Java from online tutorials, PowerShell and RegEx from a library book and basic C# by thinkering with WinForms apps in Visual Studio
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