  • 14
    Same line brackets 🤢
  • 45
    @lorki97 the correct bracket placement 👌
  • 2
    @boginw let me guess: Java dev?
  • 4
    @lorki97 Yea, and you C#?
  • 3
    Awesome tat!
  • 2
    @boginw C/C++ too and a lot of others too
  • 1
    unless risk
  • 0
    @lorki97 but since you prefer brackets on newline I would guess mainly C#?
  • 0
  • 0
    @boginw nowadays yes. But used to this since C :D
  • 1
    @victorFSL you could get one in assembly I suppose
  • 1
    @boginw anyways, nice tattoo!
  • 0
    @lorki97 thanks man 😊
  • 4
    Common are you sure you won't regret it ? .I actually had a friend who did printf thing we bullied him for years. I hope you don't regret that if you will it will be more painful as seen in silicon valley gold chai scene 😂
  • 1
    No offense I'm being sarcastic 😀
  • 7
    @kickass no offence taken :) I've had it for about two years, and I honestly don't regret getting it, and I'll probably never regret it. Why? I forget I have it. It's on my inner arm, so people don't usually see it, and when you have got a tattoo, it is a part of your body, so you tend to ignore it. Kind of like when you smell something strong, but given a few moments your brain tends to filter it out due to it being useless information.
  • 0
  • 6
    Holy shit the font size.
  • 2
    Imagine having a syntax error.
  • 0
    @shahlin yea that would be bad 😂 but you could spin it of as being a metaphor of some sort
  • 4

    In 30-40 years there's a possibility that there won't be any trace of that language structure. I could probably understand a complex math equation (if you can't remember it) or a memory reference, I would at least have a pointer in there somewhere and possibly a structure, but an if statement with two variables of which one is only declared localy for no purpose and dies in that same block. Initiated for no reason. I mean, you can understand my question.


    And I would print out something, or maybe returned gain or something. That's just an empty if statement. Because if risk is one there is no else, is gain then one or what? We would have to assume that both risk and gain are declared as one. If risk is false then gain would be one, but that is left to the imagination.

    Sorry to disappoint you, but that's an empty block.

    You could have done without the brackets, less pain, easier to remove when another language becomes the mainstream.

    Here's a tattoo: pain > gain;
  • 1
    @Codebeard man, you're taking this way to serious 😂 It's just a tattoo. It is literally a part of me. Other people shouldn't be concerned about it, it's just a form of expression I chose memorialise that I'm a programmer. And if the time comes and this language structure is just a dot in the history books, it is still a part of me.

    P.S. Regarding the empty block situation, I simply don't have enough gains (if you will) to write out a whole function determining the amount of gain 😂
  • 2
    @boginw OK I guess. I understand about the gains you were talking about. Because pain = 100;
  • 0
    @Codebeard I always comment something harsh and then Im like I shouldn't have said that, but there comes another person make my comments look like joke 😂😂
  • 1
    @kickass It wasn't meant as an insult, I'm no management. Programmers over analize things. I just needed to understand, that's all.
  • 1
    @Codebeard you know I'm not saying that you have insulted anyone, I just mean we pay more detail on things which don't require that amount of detail 🤣
  • 1
    @kickass What in the world do you mean? 😉
  • 0
    @Codebeard nothing. I'm not going to flood this post so nothing.
  • 1
    @kickass @Codebeard please do 😂
  • 0
    @victorFSL the you know that's not happening right 😂
  • 1
    Damn. You could use the inline if statement. Such a Waste of space and you started the battle of bracket placement.
  • 0
    @kickass It was a joke at the end there, didn't you see a winking smiley face? ;)
  • 3

    I have a tattoo in Latin. Nobody speaks that shit anymore, but it's a part of history.
  • 0
    @jschmold you sneaky bastard 👌
  • 1
    @fives I can read latin. Had it in school.
  • 2

    I can read Java too. One day it will be part of history
  • 1
    @fives Nice. I think it already is.
  • 1
    @fives and @Codebeard just have different repectable standards for getting a tattoo and its fine.

    Personally I can relate more to @Codebeard point of view.
  • 1
    Wft man. It's so bright. It should be in dark theme
  • 0
    @Codebeard the gain is garbage because it is not initialized, so it has an undefined value. It can be anything. The only thing we know is that if there is no pain, gain==0. If there is pain, that doesn't imply that there is gain, just like in real life. In logical language:
    ~pain —> ~gain
    Which is NOT the same as
    gain <—> pain.
    It's not an empty block ;)
  • 0
    @Joserc87 oops. I meant risk. Wrong variable name
  • 0
    @lorki97 I'm sorry but new line is just so fundamentally wrong looking, completely with you @boginw 😅
  • 0
    Plot twist: risk is a pointer.
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