Anyone here leading a department or team/s? I'm about to tell them I'm retiring. I don't know yet how to tell them. I'm not going to use some AI script.

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    “I have an announcement “
  • 3
    "good news everyvody"
  • 3
    "I have good news and bad news.

    The bad news is that there are going to be some drastic changes.

    The good news is that it ain't gonna be my problem anymore because im going to be tea bagging {insert azure blue sea and white beach}"
  • 1
    "See ya fuckers!"
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    "i'm sorry for your loss"
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    Alternatively, start out by telling one or 2 colleagues and test the waters, then shortly after tell everyone else.
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    @dakkarant I'm scheduled to talk to the most senior person on our team. I'd have to break it to him that my replacement will not to be him. Hopefully he'll understand.
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    @fruitfcker or get mad and the fun will start there ;p
  • 3
    You know how i always talked about sitting on the beach and read to eternity. I think I'm going to do that now...
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