Our stand-up meetings last for 1 hour. Everybody talks for 5+ minutes so they will seem look "productive" in front of the managers.

  • 5
    aka status report meeting
  • 5
    i zone out way too much in these meetings. And I always respond with "My WiFi is fluctuating right now. Could you please repeat?".

  • 0
    I actually found those somewhat helpful for me because it made me figure out what I'm supposed to focus on that day. But that alone won't take an hour unless you work in a team of 1000.
  • 1
    @Sid2006 lol. So true. I have a meeting tomorrow. I might just do the same thing
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    @electrineer we're a team of 16
  • 1
    @immutable that is a likely clusterfuck in and of itself. Communication lines are massive with a 16 people team. 8 should be the max.
    Managers attending standup is also really odd.
  • 0
    Wow you burn more calories by standing up than an actual workout.
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