
Am I the only one wondering when the IT bubble is going to burst? I mean, I'm getting paid ridiculous money for things that could be done by trained monkey, I barely work more than 4h per contract and every year I either get a raise or swap job for one that gives it to me. How long can this go on? When the big tech layoffs started I though that's it, but nope. How the hell does this function

  • 8
    Sadly it's not like that everywhere
  • 3
    Exactly. My thought for years in exception of monkey thingy
  • 1
    You are selectively biased.. just because you survived and are well off doesn't mean everyone else is.

    Over 200K+ people have been laid off in the past 4 months.. I think they would tell you otherwise.
  • 0
    @Sid2006 And how long does it take them to find a new job? 2 weeks? Don't even have to do anything, change status on LinkedIn and wait
  • 1
    @PAKA You're taking this so casually aren't you? Tell you what, try quitting your job and getting a new one. That'll show you what the face of industry is really like right now.
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    @Sid2006 Only one? I did recently quit one if you check my rant history, because they told me to make a shitty powerpoint presentation which I think is a waste of my time. The new contract I got to replace it was 50% pay increase and I'm an offshore worker from eastern Europe not some ex google, that's the state of industry right now
  • 4
    Try teaching some tech illeterates basic concepts like for, if, while instructions. In our mind it is an easy job but its not something that everyone can do. I'm amazed by some of the devs in my company, they are supposed to be smart people but they can't fucking read a log message and google the error.. So yes, maybe in the next 10 years you'll get some purge but that's mostly aimed at the very bad developers. If you do your job good and know your shit there's very few reasons to fire you.
  • 0
    Either you're just placed somewhere where the market is hot - or you're a lot better at this than you think you are, and you bring a lot more value to the table than you realise.

    London for instance is *relatively* easy to find a role if you're good and can demonstrate that - but can be a nightmare in some other places.
  • 0
    Where do you work?

    I need to get there.

    Here IT gets paid ridicolusly low
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    @AlmondSauce There is no placed, it stopped existing with covid when everyone went to work from home and stayed there. IT job market is global.
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    @IHateFrameworks Not sure what you mean by where, it doesn't matter. I live in Poland, companies I have contracts with are global and so are their clients
  • 0

    That might be the case for some companies, but the vast majority still aren't globally hiring.
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