
Another department doesn't pass along the files mine needs until 3 days after they were supposed to and us reminding them 3 days in a row

Lead of that same department writes an email saying we promised a week turn around on our side and the files have been in house for a week so they're expecting finalization to be done today for ALL the files : |

Welp me and my manager speed run things and get half done today and we'll finish the other half Monday. If they really wanted all of them we wouldn't have gotten access so late to do our part

  • 2
    You're speed running things while the manager is asking you frequently for updates and often brings you coffee
  • 5
    @retoor lol actually this time they were really helping. He was prepping processes that I'm still learning and take me WAY longer than him to setup and also configuring devops for the operations the new files would need while I was setting up local processing and configure to get the source into our company structure for a devops run

    I 100% don't think I'd have gotten half of them done by today without his help this time lol
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