
I saw this little gem in file explorer. I think M$ needs to update what is considered gigantic!

  • 6
    Microsoft, "what is you doing?"(meme)
  • 0
    That is gold
  • 5
    Still accurate for pure txt files. But probably not for Explorer for those trying to find out what files are taking their hard drive space up.
  • 7
    Bill Gates is said to have once argued that we will never need 64KB. Maybe microsoft is alluding to this joke 😂
  • 1
    Windows File Explorer is the biggest shit. It doesn't show you the real file system linke a file manager should, it shows tons of useless stuff and information and changes displayed names of files and directories according to strange MS rules. And it's even worse on non-english versions.
    I would go crazy without Total Commander when using Windows.
  • 4
    @payb4k The legend has it that Bill Gates said that 640 (not 64) kbytes should be enough for everyone. 640k was a limit of the conventional memory in the first IBM PC. If you required more RAM, you had to use dedicated extended memory drivers. Oh, those were the days...
  • 2
    That _IS_ gigantic. This search is for people that write files in MS Office, text files, code files, etc. People that work. This search would flag basically every non-work file, which you can easily and safely delete unless you work with video or 50 megapixel RAW photos.
  • 0
    Use treesize, it's so much better and the free version is still fantastic
  • 0

    Windirstat for windows, Baobab for Linux, GrandPerspective for OSX.

    All three are great free & open source tools for mapping storage space.
  • 0
    @payb4k He never said that, actually. You can look it up.
  • 0
    My school (nothing techy) says in their rules that every thing bigger than 100KB(!) is big...
  • 0
    Looks like someone’s “homework” stash ;-$
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