
offending devs is easy -

String strName = " John";
String strGreet = Greet(strName.ToString());
return strGreet;

  • 2
    Rust devs, its always Rust devs.
  • 1
    leaving a dot here ... to really see how many are offended
  • 3
    This triggers me on so many levels 😂
  • 1
    Real man do a byte array conversion with UTF-8 and back to ASCII for some pleasant losses in the ever ongoing war against emojis.
  • 1

    Go 🗌🗌🗌🗌 yourself! ;-)
  • 0
    My brain makes a backflip when I see code like this.
  • 1
    Of course it is with this horror show. You don't know what I have seen! You don't know man!
    This is giving me flashbacks. Oh god, oh god not again.
  • 0
    You have a bug in your code, it should be return strGreet.ToString()
  • 0
    And then you wrap that in a function named "Greet()".
  • 2
    @gitpush but devRant compiler didn't gave any error. working on my machine.
  • 1
    @xsid We are not shipping your machine to the client ...
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