
Things you should probably not say in an interview += "I like Rust because I get to write a lot of code before performance starts to become a problem and I have to optimize"

  • 0
    Yeah. Cause this is clearly not the number one selling point of Rust :)
  • 1
    @Lensflare I mentioned others too, but I actually think this is a major selling point. You can actually smack together an O(2^n) prototype and it'll still be fast enough to test with some sample data.
  • 2
    @lorentz I see your point but still, if you don‘t compare with Python, the performance gain should be negligible.

    (Crap, I have to look up how to spell that damn word every time. It should have clearly been "neglectable" and not "negligible". English is weird).
  • 1
    @Lensflare I'm comparing it to Typescript which is my previous main language.
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    "js is slow" is about as much of a revelation as "the pope is catholic", but "i like rust because it runs my shit code faster than js" is quite funny..
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    As long as you can get it to compile on the first (or nth) try!
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