
Why are clients so brain dead?

I've had a client insist for the last two weeks that I provide them with a high level technical specification for fucking OneDrive because our product is able to embed HTML inputted into the CMS.

I've literally had hours of meetings with over a dozen people where I'm trying to explain that just because they're embedding some PowerPoint HTML into our CMS doesn't mean we need to or even can provide technical documents.

This is a huge company with an equity of over £50 billion by the way. I swear the bigger the company the more incompetent the employees get.

Their whole issue stems from one guy not understanding how basic logins and file sharing permissions work + their IT doing security fuckery to screw up which machines can login or access what. So I made and sent them a flow diagram explaining it, out of some naive hope that they'll now leave me alone.

I still don't understand how any of this is my responsibility just because these idiots don't understand that our product is separate from the HTML they've decided to put into the CMS. I don't think any of these people know what they're asking me for when they keep insisting I send them technical documents for a Microsoft owned product that we have nothing to do with.

I'm sure I'll be stuck telling them to talk to their own IT team over and over again as they schedule meetings every few days until the heat death of the universe. Then I'll finally have peace. Either that or somehow one of them finds this post and I get fired.

  • 2
    So what has OneDrive to do with your product? The whole rant is somewhat confusing.
  • 3
    I've had similar problems when dumbfuck clients wanted to make a local-access security audit... in fucking AWS servers.
    Seriously, there wanted us to give them physical access to "our" cloud servers.

    I just told them a third-party was responsible for it and they had to negotiate with the contract manager. I guess they are still sending emails demanding to talk to "Mr. Bezos"
  • 1
    I guess when you embed things a certain way it makes it too easy for dumb clients to assume that it's a hand crafted part of the system, owned by the system maintainer.
  • 1
    The scariest part is if you show you are good at support, I can imagine some of the worst orgs will say shit like "we know embeds have nothing to do with your CMS, and MS Office Suite login support is not a job for a dev.. But the reason we have devs at all is to solve problems for the org and right now you're the best support we got. So we'll make support an official part of your job now "😭
  • 0
    @Oktokolo client is uploading/making PowerPoints with OneDrive/SharePoint and using embed HTML for those PowerPoints in our CMS
  • 1
    @jiraTicket it's becoming more and more clear to me that their IT hates them and makes it a pain in the ass to do anything. Or it's just their inane levels of bureaucracy.

    So somehow it's easier for them to harass me instead. And my employer charges them £150~ an hour for my time when I put this down as out of contract work, which makes it all the more insane that they'd still rather talk to me instead of their own IT team who can actually help them.
  • -1
    You callin' us a bot, boy?
  • 0
    @wkhale bot me bitch
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