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    @practiseSafeHex because @codealex is an apple hater xD

    and yes, I will practise safe hexadecimal numeral presentation
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    Oh god another Apple hater. If people spent as much time giving it a go, as they do hating on it they might be surprised to see how bullshit free life can be.
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    @practiseSafeHex it’s nice to know I’m not alone...
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    I get it :D

    I just don't like people really forcing you to know their product is better than yours.

    Hm. Mine costs like a third of yours and still does the same. Well, both their goods and bads xD

    But still those apple haters are funny :p
    (Same goes for Google and Microsoft. But not Facebook. Everyone hates Facebook)
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    @BambuSource I’ll accept that Apple makes mistakes, but when did they become the worlds worst company?
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    @Gerrymandered they're not. They're in a great position in my opinion. The upperclass premium products for those who want the best and have the money. But I may stick to my cutie little Android, may I? :3
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    @BambuSource of course! Absolutely! If you like a product, get it. You have the choice to buy what you prefer.
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    @GodHatesMe one could tell by the difference between iOS 6 and 7.
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    @BambuSource I see it like this.

    If you want something that works, usually well, without much hassle, go for Apple and iOS.

    For something you can customize and make your own, and in turn deal with some issues sometimes, yo for Android.

    Or, if you are short for cash, Android works too.

    Edit: I should clarify. Personally, I use Android because Apple didn't work for me. Too locked down. I don't think Apple is necessarily the BEST, but I admire their hardware design notably. Their devices definitely feel and look premium.
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    Ahahaha, nice one :D
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    @practiseSafeHex Fanboys are cunts. You should be able to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of products objectively.


    (but ios is a piece of shit)
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    @awnumar oh I can smell the objectivity from here ... smells a little like bullshit lol.

    I can be objective. I’ve never said everything Apple builds is perfect, I’ve had problems with laptops and phones, I’ve had to bring back a desktop as it was recalled due to a possible fault etc.

    Half of my family has Android and Windows, all I have ever said is that the stuff I go through with apple is orders of magnitude smaller than the stuff I have to fix for friends and family
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    @practiseSafeHex lmao dude

    I was kidding
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