I love #VisualStudio.
See how visual studio really makes easy to analyze difference between two version of file. 😘😘

  • 32
    You know... Every IDE does that.
    And most other IDEs are even open source, not limited to windows development and easily extendable by plugins... 😒
  • 12
    Meh, Git Diff in Atom does the same thing.
  • 15
    Git diff in console ftw
  • 1
    Beyond Compare is good for me.
  • 2
    @Anaeijon you mean like Visual Studio Code?
  • 1
    @kwilliams 😂
    Does anyone use this?
  • 0
    @Anaeijon I use it for debugging PHP (when I'm forced to work on PHP) and when I want to be nosy and browse World of Warcraft add-on source files.
  • 3
    @GodHatesMe Visual Studio Code is open source.
  • 2
    Linux is widely used among developers and they r not ready to make a vs for it.
  • 3
    I use both vs code and vs. But will make the swirch to vs code and jetbrains IDEs in April
  • 1
    @Anaeijon You can develop for other platforms than windows using VS. And it is easily expandable.
  • 3
    @GodHatesMe in what is VS superior to VScode? Comparing a full fledge IDE to a scalable text editor is pretty unfair if you ask me.
  • 0
    @GodHatesMe I didn't 🤔
  • 1
    @Snatchedd Yes, you can.
    But once you try to share your code with someone to build on his own machine, everything gets fucked up.

    Converting a VS Project to a makefile project is hell. You need to change all the includes and imports, because VS handles Importing/Including illogically by default.
    Collaboration is terrible, if someone in your team uses VS and doesn't do a lot of work to configure it to act like a sane C(++) IDE.
  • 0
    Even some text editors do that
  • 0
    @Anaeijon did not have many problems in my "workplace" up to now. Then again I'm a multiplatform user so it's not like I can't fix it myself.
  • 4
    Visual Studio is far superior to any IDE but people just don't want to accept it because it's tied to windows and it's made by Microsoft. Same goes for C# being tonnes better than java.
  • 2
    Once you work on intelliJ youll hate everything else :)
  • 1
    Just thought Id mention that Visual Studio isn't just for PC any more. They launched a Mac version of VS 2017 and I believe they are working towards Linux support. I know they are working closely with red hat on .Net core and .Net standard support. And I do mean VS not VS code..That launched cross platform.
  • 3
    @Anaeijon Visual Studio isn't limited to Windows development anymore...
  • 0
    This is a joke right?... Right?? 😂
  • 0
    thx but no thx git diff all day everyday. plus tons of IDEs doing that
  • 0
    @mo3pheus i already use intellij, but the shortcut are to annoying and a hell to change
  • 0
    @Codex404 You need to change the default linux shortcuts - so they don't interfere with your coding. Such as cntrl+alt+l will lock your screen while you want to format the code. but once you set it up its bliss.
  • 0
    I love opening many projects together on VS Code
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