
"Front end developers" who don't understand the cascade are my favourite thing. Just use BEM dude, you don't need some fucking scoped components with dynamically evaluated CSS-in-JS.

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    If you need to deal with frontend bullshit anyways, then CSS does the job tbh. Literally does everything you need in terms of styling + animation.
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    CUBE css is way better imo
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    CSS specificity is total bullshit, it's like ordering the statements in a program by length. Any system that isn't affected by it is better than any system that is.
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    I like BEM though. It's an irrefutable categorization
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    @ostream kinda agree, but even with local styling you can still use css. depending on what framework you use, it gets minified and unified anyways.

    Obviously a disclaimer: if you do it correctly, your css doesn't grow into a mess. But yeah, that's the industry i guess. Nobody actually knows how to handle css properly (apparently)
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    Let’s get it clear first off that the only reason why you fucks use BEM is because someone told you to. The second thing is that the cascade is not leveraged in strict BEM, as you are not leveraging inherited styles as much as possible like the INTENTION of the cascade - look up “cascade” in the dictionary. (Not saying BEM is bad, because it’s a good categorization thing, but it’s a tiny methodology in the grand scheme of things) Third of all, fucking learn what specificity IS and IS NOT you fucking goombas.
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